
Chic on a Budget? (Budget, as in no. more. shoes.)

So the time has come to actually keep a balance in my savings account... to save?... and worst of all... to STOP BUYING SHOES? It really sounds dreadful and quite frankly I have no desire to keep money in the bank when my feet could be sparkling down the streets of Boston, ugh, however I am entering adulthood? My love and I have signed a new lease, which is super exciting, however now I have someone to remind me we have bills and silly obligations called life... and life is expensive.

With that being said my goal is to write about my challenges, mostly staying out of Saks, and my new found love for SAVING! (sounds awful to me) I keep telling myself today is the day Shannon, no more shopping! Flash forward to one hour later and I am walking home with a new watch, misc. household items from Crate & Barrel, and lip gloss - trust me I have enough lip gloss to make then entire population of Belgium shine... it's bad... but how can you blame me? It's just so sparkly. So I figured if I wrote it all out here, and perhaps someone somewhere was reading it, I could get in trouble... aka SAVE SAVE SAVE!

Let's see how this goes xx

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